The honest truth here is these are not truly secrets. You can find these secrets when you invest into learning about relationships and then taking action.
3 Secrets to a Thriving Relationship
Secret Number 1: Evolve, grow, and change together for a lifetime.
Who you and your partner were when you first met, has changed and evolved over time. For a relationship to work, you have to develop being curious often with your partner. You need to seek to learn about them, check that you do know them intimately and deeply, and also share openly with your partner who you are and how it is growing over time.
How would you rate yourself in your ability to be curious about your partner? Now, how do you think your partner would rate you? If your curiosity rating is low, that is a sign to start being curious. Keep up the good work if it's a high rating, and do not stop!
Secret Number 2: Become a Master Listener.
If you missed the blog post from last week, go check it out as it helps discern if you have the common listening blocks we can develop.
Often, we think being good at communication is connected to how we speak, which is partly true. The biggest way to assess if you are good at communication is connected to your ability to listen. A Master Listener listens deeply, is curious, and reflects what they hear. They listen to their partner's feelings, thoughts, beliefs, ethics, values, etc. They listen to understand those things.
Listening is hard to do. It takes consistent practice, effort, and work to become a master listener.
What do you think your strengths as a listener are and what areas do you have to grow in?
Secret Number 3: Learn the art of repair.
Conflict is inevitable which means you need to discover the art of repair. Repair is much more than just apologizing, it requires the two steps above: being curious and listening deeply. When repair is happening, both partners typically feel seen, heard, and supported. They feel understood, they feel connected, and they feel hopeful for their relationship.
Are you the type of couple that sweeps disagreements, misunderstandings, or conflicts under the rug? Or do you intentionally address these areas and work towards resolution and understanding with one another?
Seeking help with any of these areas? Reach out today to work with one of our team members. Email to get started.